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Qingdao Rentone Belt Co., Ltd.
Application of EP Fabric Conveyor Belt in Different Industries

Application of EP Fabric Conveyor Belt in Different Industries

EP fabric conveyor belt is an extremely common conveyor belt in various industries and has won wide acclaim for its excellent performance and reliability. With their high strength, excellent abrasion and chemical resistance, these conveyor belts play an indispensable role in a variety of conveyor systems. In the following section, we will discuss in detail how EP fabric conveyor belts are used in different industries.


As heavy materials such as stone and coal are often transported in mines, EP fabric conveyor belts can easily cope with the requirements of high strength and long service life due to their excellent abrasion resistance and chemical stability. In addition, its superior tensile properties allow it to be adapted to different distances and loads.

Steel Industry

In the steel production process, the ep fabric conveyor belt is indispensable for conveying raw materials from sintered ore, to coke iron ore. It can work stably under the harsh environment of high temperature, high speed, and high load to ensure the continuity and efficiency of the production process.

Chemical Industry

Whether it's conveying chemical raw materials or packaging finished products, EP fabric conveyor belts can easily meet the challenge of corrosive substances with their excellent chemical resistance.

Grain Industry

In grain processing, EP fabric conveyor belts can efficiently transport grain, flour, and other materials to the various processing stages. Their high temperature resistance ensures the stability and efficiency of the grain processing process.

In summary, EP fabric conveyor belt has become an indispensable and important equipment in various industries with its excellent performance and wide range of applications. With the continuous development and progress of industries, its application scope will be even wider, bringing efficient and stable conveying solutions for more fields.